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Phone Pals want to keep Pumaren

Phone Pals want to keep Pumaren
By Beth Celis
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 05:02:00 01/24/2008

MANILA, Philippines -- It was impossible not to speculate about major changes in the Talk ‘N Text camp.

To start with, the highly rated, highly financed Phone Pals were booted off the quarterfinals ironically by Coca-Cola, the team to which they had earlier dealt former Phone Pal Asi Taulava.

Taulava’s sterling performance since he moved over to Coke was one of the reasons for TNT's early vacation.

Coming on the heels of the disqualification, the Phone Pals were called to a meeting by top management. The meeting was exclusive for players and excluded the coaching staff and even team manager Frankie Lim.

This further fueled speculations of a major shakeup.

* * *

Ironically, change was the last thing the players wanted, as PBA governor Ricky Vargas and PLDT chair Manny V. Pangilinan found out during the dialogue.

The players said there had been too many movements already, and this could be one of the vital factors that had hindered the team's progress.

They also offered other insights but put weight on one: They wanted no more change --not among their ranks or within the coaching staff.

In other words, they wanted incumbent head coach Derrick Pumaren to stay.

Pangilinan and Vargas listened to the players’ appeal, without giving a definite yes or no.

* * *

Frankly I was surprised by the unanimous stand of the players about coaching. This was confirmed to me by one of the Phone Pals, who said that the Fil-Ams and home-grown players remained united and singular in their purpose.

“Kasi mahirap magpalit ng coach. It’s actually a long and tedious process of re-education because you have to internalize the new system, adapt to his personality,” the player said.

* * *

Wednesday, I was told by a TNT insider that it wasn’t only the players that management had met with but the coaching staff as well.

“Team manager Frankie Lim and coach Derrick Pumaren and his staff had their turn to talk with Ricky and MVP,” said my source.

So, will there be changes for the next conference, in terms of personnel?

This was the only question I asked Ricky Wednesday.

Ricky said he and MVP should be able to decide soon.

* * *

I had a chance to have a short chat with former BAP president Joey Lina, who has been under the sports radar for quite some time, at the Manila Hotel where he is the president. Joey said he is living peacefully and is, in fact, also involved in the mining business.

It’s a small world, really, because Joey said he was signing a contract that afternoon with father and son team Regis and Mikee Romero, his partners in nickel mining.

Needless to say, I had a chance to meet Mikee’s father -- and idol -- that afternoon.


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